I would suggest that we, as a clan, focus our attacks on one
of the clans first and hurt them as best we can.
If all wolfs in the first clan are safe or at low health,
then we should have a next, so that we as a small clan
have as great an impact as possible.
For instance:
All members attack
"Werewolves From Hell" first,
"The Wolves of Darkness" as the first backup,
then "Daxral" last.
This order for the 3 is just a suggestion, but I really think
we should focus on one at a time, with organized spillover of attacks.
There are probably a lot of attacks going on, and I suspect we won't have an easy time finding battles,
so this plan may not work in the end, but I still think we should try to be organized and attack as a block.
Remember it costs gold to attack, so be sure you have enough to fight, knowing that often you will have to spend 5 or more to actually find an account that is not safe or at Low Health. (But also remember to spend it all before you logoff, as usual) And also have some Health potions stockpiled, just in case.